Python Sleep

Python time.sleep(): Add Delay to Your Code (Example)

The sleep() function in Python is used to delay the execution of code by the given number of seconds, which is supplied to the sleep function (). The time module includes the sleep() command as one of its components. You are able to put a temporary halt to the execution of your code by utilising the sleep() function. As an illustration, you could be waiting for a process to finish or a file to upload.

time.sleep() Syntax

sleep() Import the time into the syntax. sleep(seconds)
seconds: The amount of seconds that you wish to elapse before your code is no longer being executed.

Python code demonstrating the use of the sleep() method
To include the sleep() function in your Python script, proceed with the procedures indicated below.

Step 1:

the incorporation of time the second step:


When you use sleep(), the number 5 that you provide as an input specifies the amount of seconds you want the code execution to pause for before continuing.

Example: Using sleep() function in Python

The following is a code that works along with messages that are contained within the print() function to demonstrate the delay in the display of messages on the terminal when the code is executed.

import time
print (“Welcome to guru99 Python Tutorials”)
sleep(5) print (“This message will be printed after a wait of 5 seconds”)

Hello, and thank you for visiting guru99’s Python Tutorials!
After a pause of 5 seconds, this message will be printed out to you.

How to delay the execution of function using sleep()?

A function known as display is defined and used in the example that is given below (). A message that reads “Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials” is produced using the show() function. The function will be executed and the message will be displayed on the screen of the terminal when it is invoked.

Let’s add some time to the process so that the function will be executed more slowly.

sleep is an optional step that must be completed before calling a function in Python. Python time was used while the programme was being executed. sleep will pause there for the specified amount of time, and then the show() function will be invoked when some time has elapsed.


import time

print(“The Execution of the Code Has Begun”)

print “Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials” using the def display() function.

What are the different ways to add a delay in Python Script?

The Execution of the Code Began
You’ve arrived to the Guru99 Tutorials.
Delay in the Function’s Execution
What are the many approaches to incorporating a pause into a Python script?
Utilizing the method sleep()
Earlier on, we looked at a few different scenarios to illustrate the proper utilisation of time.
sleep(). Let’s look at this situation through the lens of a different example employing time. sleep().

For illustration purposes, the piece of code contains a for loop that, when executed, will take the string variable and, after a pause of one second, output each character.

import time
my message = “Guru99” for I in my message:
print(i) time.

G \su \sr \su \s9 \s9
Utilizing the asyncio.sleep function that is offered by (Python 3.4 or higher)
As of Python version 3.4 and later, the asyncio.sleep module is available for your use. In order to utilise the asyncio sleep technique, you need to add the async and await keywords to the function, such like it is demonstrated in the following example:


The script contains a function known as show(), which is responsible for printing the phrase “Welcome to Guru99 lessons.” Async and await are the two terms that are utilised as keywords in the function. The await keyword is inserted directly before the asyncio.sleep directive, while the async keyword is inserted at the beginning of the function definition (). The asynchronous task is something that should be handled by using either the async or await keywords.

Using asyncio.sleep function available from (Python 3.4 or higher)

When the show() function is called, the code will sleep or pause at the point where it encounters the await asyncio.sleep(5) directive. After the specified amount of time has passed, the message will be printed.

import asynchronously.

print(“The Execution of the Code Has Begun”)

async def show() consists of the following code: await asyncio.sleep(5) print(‘Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials’).

The Execution of the Code Began
You’ve arrived to the Guru99 Tutorials.
Utilizing the Event().wait API
The threading module is where you’ll find the wait function for the Event() class. The Event.wait() method will suspend the execution of any process for the specified amount of time, which is sent to it as an argument. The following illustration illustrates how the Event system works:

Using Event().wait

The programming makes use of Event ().


The number 5 is the amount of time, in seconds, that the programme will wait before proceeding to the following line, which is the one that invokes the function display (). After the countdown of 5 seconds has completed, a call will be made to the function display(), and the message will then be displayed on the terminal’s screen.

from the import of threading Event

print(“The Execution of the Code Has Begun”)

print “Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials” using the def display() function.


wait(5) display() Output: wait(5) display()

The Execution of the Code Began
You’ve arrived to the Guru99 Tutorials.
Using Timer
Another mechanism that may be used with Threading is called the Timer, and by using it, you can get the same functionality as you would with Python’s time sleep. The following illustration demonstrates how the Timer should be used:

Using Timer

In Python, the delay duration is specified in seconds, and a task that needs to be initiated is also required for the input that a Timer receives. It is necessary to invoke the start() method in order to get a timer to function properly. In the code, the Timer is given five seconds, and the function display that needs to be called when those five seconds have elapsed must be called. After calling the Timer.start() method, the timer will begin its counting down process.

importing Timer from the threading

print(“The Execution of the Code Has Begun”)

print “Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials” using the def display() function.

t is equal to Timer(5, display), and t.start ()

Code Execution Started
You’ve arrived to the Guru99 Tutorials.


The sleep() method in Python will either pause the Python code being executed or delay the program’s execution for the amount of time that was specified as an input to sleep (). The sleep() method can be found in the time module of the Python programming language.
When you need to put a temporary pause to the execution of your code, you can do it with the help of the sleep function in Python. For instance, in the event that you are waiting for the completion of another procedure, or the uploading of a file, etc.
In addition to utilising sleep, there are numerous more ways to add a delay function to code in Python. Some of these methods include using asyncio.sleep, Event().wait, and Timer.
Python versions 3.4 and higher have the asyncio.sleep() method, which is functionally equivalent to the sleep() method. You need to make sure that the function contains both async and await in order to use the asyncio sleep method.
The threading module is where you’ll find the wait function for the Event() class. The Event.wait() method will suspend the execution of any process for the specified amount of time, which is sent to it as an argument.
Another option that’s accessible with Threading is called the Timer, and using it can help you achieve the same level of functionality as sleep.