Dynamic Array C++

C++ Dynamic Allocation of Arrays with Example

What is a Dynamic Array, and how does it work?
A dynamic array is quite similar to a conventional array, except that its size can be changed throughout the course of a program’s execution. The elements of a DynamArray take up a single contiguous block of memory.

Once an array has been established, it is not possible to adjust its size. A dynamic array, on the other hand, is different. Even after it has been completely filled, a dynamic array has the ability to grow in size.

When a new array is created, it is given a specified amount of memory to store its contents. As opposed to this, a dynamic array expands its memory size by a predetermined factor whenever the need arises.

You will learn how to programme in C++ in this course.

Factors impacting performance of Dynamic Arrays

The initial size of the array, as well as its growth factor, define its overall performance. Keep the following points in mind:

The size and growth factor of an array are tiny, and as a result, the array will keep reallocating memory more frequently. This will have a negative impact on the performance of the array.
Because of the massive size and high growth factor of an array, it will have a significant amount of unutilized memory. As a result, resizing processes may take longer to complete. This will have a negative impact on the performance of the array.
The brand-new Keyword
The new keyword in C++ can be used to construct a dynamic array of elements. Within a pair of square brackets, the number of things to be assigned is stated as well. This should be followed by the type name. An amount equal to the number of products requested will be allocated.

The new Keyword

It is necessary to use the following syntax when using the new keyword:

pointer variable = new data type; The pointer variable is the name of the pointer variable; the new data type is the new data type.

The data type must be a valid C++ data type in order for this to work.

Following that, the keyword returns a pointer to the first item. Following the creation of the dynamic array, we may remove it by using the delete keyword.

#includeiostream> using the namespace std; int main() int x,n; “#includeiostream> using the namespace std ”

Fill in the blanks with the number of items:

“nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn “; cin >> ; cin

n; int *arr = new int(n); cout “Enter ” n ” items” cout “Enter ” n ” items” cout “Enter ” n ” items” cout endl; for (x = 0; x n; x++) cin >> arr[x]; cout “You entered:”; for (x = 0; x n; x++); for (x = 0; x n; x++); for (x = 0; x++) cout arr[x] ” “; return 0; cout arr[x] ” “; return 0;


The following is an example of the code:

Explanation of the Code:

Include the iostream header file into our programme in order to take advantage of its features.
Include the std namespace in our programme so that we can utilise its classes without having to invoke the namespace.
The main() method should be called. The logic of the programme should be incorporated into the body of the function.
Declare two integer variables, denoted by the letters x and n.
To prompt the user to enter the value of variable n, print some text on the console and press Enter.
This function takes user input from the keyboard and assigns it to the variable n.
Declare an array that can hold a total of n numbers and assign it to the pointer variable *arr to make it accessible.
Print a message informing the user that they must enter a certain number of items.
Make use of a for loop to construct a loop variable x that will be used to cycle over the things submitted into the form by the user.
The elements entered by the user are read and stored in an array called arr, as seen below.
The for loop’s body has come to an end.
Print some text to the terminal using the print command.
Make use of a for loop to construct a loop variable x that will be used to traverse over the entries in the array.
The values included in the array named arr should be printed out on the terminal.
The for loop’s body has come to an end.

Initializing dynamically allocated arrays

The body of the main() method has come to an end.
NOTE: In the preceding example, the user has the option of specifying any size for the array at any moment throughout execution. This means that the array’s size is determined during the course of the programme.

Initializing arrays that have been dynamically allocated
It’s simple to set the value of a dynamic array to zero.


int *array new int[length]; int *array new int[length]
The length parameter in the preceding syntax denotes the number of elements that will be added to the array. Because we need to initialise the array to zero, we should leave this field empty.

A dynamic array can be initialised with the help of an initializer list. Let’s look at an example that explains what I’m talking about.
Exemple No. 2:
Incorporate the namespace std into iostream’s include statement.

main(void) is an integer that represents the main function.

x is an integer;

array of integers new int[5] 10, 7, 15, 3, 11; array of integers new int[5]; array of integers new int[5];

endl; cout “Array elements: “; cout “Array elements: “;

for the conditions (x = 0; x 5; x++) { cout array[x] endl; cout array[x] endl; the return value is zero; the output is

Resizing Arrays

The following is an example of the code:

Explanation of the Code:

Include the iostream header file into our programme in order to take advantage of its features.
Include the std namespace in our programme so that we can utilise its classes without having to invoke the namespace.
The main() method should be called. The logic of the programme should be incorporated into the body of the function.
Create an integer variable with the name x.
Declare a dynamic array named array and initialise it using a list of initializers. There will be 5 integer elements in the array. It’s important to note that we did not utilise the “=” operator between the array length and the list of initializers.
Print some text to the terminal using the print command. Endl is a C++ keyword that denotes the end of a line. It advances the cursor to the beginning of the next sentence.
Make use of a for loop to go over the elements of the array.
The contents of the array named array should be printed to the terminal.
The for loop’s body has come to an end.
When the programme is successfully completed, it must return a value.
The body of the main() method has come to an end.
Arrays can be resized.
During the allocation process, the length of a dynamic array is determined.

Dynamically Deleting Arrays

However, once an array has been allocated, there is no built-in mechanism for resizing it once it has been allocated.

To get around this problem, you can allocate a new array dynamically, copy the contents over, and then delete the old array from memory.

Remember that this strategy is prone to errors, so try to avoid using it wherever possible.

Arrays are being deleted in real time.
Once the goal of a dynamic array has been achieved, it should be removed from the computer’s memory. This is made possible by the use of the delete statement. The memory space that has been freed up can then be utilised to store another batch of data. However, even if you do not explicitly delete the dynamic array from the computer’s memory, it will be automatically deleted once the application has completed its execution.


Instead of using delete to remove a dynamic array from computer memory, you should use delete[], which stands for delete dynamic array. Rather to deleting a single variable, the [] asks the CPU to remove numerous variables. Problems can arise when deleting elements from a dynamic array rather than using the delete[] function instead. Memory leaks, data corruption, crashes, and other issues are examples of this type of problem.

Exemple 3: #includeiostream> with namespace std; int main() int x, n; cout “How many numbers will you type?” n; cin >>n; int *arr = new int(n); cout “Enter ” n ” numbers” n; endl; for (x = 0; x n; x++) x++ x++ x++ x++ cin >> arr[x]; cout “You typed:”; for (x = 0; x n; x++); for (x = 0; x n; x++) return 0; cout arr[x] ” “; cout endl; remove [] arr from the array; return 0; cout endl; delete [] arr from the array

The following is an example of the code:

Explanation of the Code:

Include the iostream header file in our programme so that we can take advantage of its features.
Include the std namespace in our programme so that we can utilise its classes without having to invoke the namespace.
The main() method should be called. The logic of the programme should be incorporated into the body of the function.


Declare two variables of the integer data type, denoted by the letters x and n.
Print some text to the terminal using the print command. The text will prompt the user to specify the number of numbers that they will be entering into the text box.
Take user input from the keyboard and process it. The value of the input will be assigned to the variable n.
*arr is a pointer variable that should be declared. In order to store a total of n integers, the array arr will set aside some memory for this purpose.
Print a message on the console instructing the user to enter a number between 0 and n numbers.
Set up a for loop using an integer for loop variable x to traverse through the numbers entered by the user.
Read the numbers that the user has placed into the input box and save them in the array arr.
The for loop’s body has come to an end.
Print some text to the terminal using the print command.
Iterate over the contents of the array arr using a for loop and the loop variable x as the loop variable.
The values of the array arr should be printed to the console.
The for loop’s body has come to an end.
Create an empty line in the console and press Enter.
Free up some space in the array arr’s memory.
After a successful completion of the programme, a value will be returned.
The body of the main() method has come to an end.