Re Search

Python RegEx: re.match(),, re.findall() with Example

In Python, what exactly is a Regular Expression?
In the context of computer programming, the term “Regular Expression” (RE) refers to a unique text string that is employed for expressing “search patterns.” It is very helpful for extracting information from text such as code, files, log, spreadsheets, or even documents, and it can do this in a variety of formats.

When working with Python regular expressions, the first thing you need to keep in mind is that everything is, in essence, a character, and that we are building patterns to match a particular string, which is a sequence of characters. The letters that are displayed on your keyboard are either Ascii or Latin, and Unicode is utilised to match them to the appropriate foreign text. It comprises not only the figures and punctuation, but also any and all special characters, such as $#@! percent, and so on.
A Python regular expression, for instance, may instruct a computer to search for particular text within the string and then display out the results according to the instructions given by the expression. Expression can take many forms.

Identifiers Modifiers White space characters Escape required
\d= any number (a digit) \d represents a digit.Ex: \d{1,5} it will declare digit between 1,5 like 424,444,545 etc. \n = new line . + * ? [] $ ^ () {} | \
\D= anything but a number (a non-digit) + = matches 1 or more \s= space
\s = space
(tab,space,newline etc.)
? = matches 0 or 1 \t =tab
\S= anything but a space * = 0 or more \e = escape
\w = letters ( Match alphanumeric character, including “_”) $ match end of a string \r = carriage return
\W =anything but letters ( Matches a non-alphanumeric character excluding “_”) ^ match start of a string \f= form feed
. = anything but letters (periods) | matches either or x/y —————–
\b = any character except for new line [] = range or “variance” —————-
\. {x} = this amount of preceding code —————–

Text matching, repetition, branching, and pattern building, among other things.

Regular Expression(RE) Syntax

In Python, a regular expression, also known as a RegEx, is abbreviated as RE. The re module is used to import regular expressions, also known as regexes or regex patterns. Regular expression is supported in Python with the use of libraries. Python’s implementation of RegEx supports a variety of features, including Identifiers, Modifiers, and White Space characters.
Regular Expression (RE) Syntax import re The “re” module is primarily utilised for string searching and manipulation, and it is included with Python.
Additionally employed frequently in the process of “Scraping” online pages (extract large amount of data from websites)
Using the expressions (w+) and (), we will get started with the expression tutorial by completing this straightforward exercise.

Example of w+ and ^ Expression

An Illustration of w+ with the Expression “”: This expression finds a match for the character “w+” at the beginning of a string: This expression is a match for the character in the string that contains alphanumeric characters.
In the next Python RegEx Example, we will look at how the w+ and expressions can be utilised in our own code. However, for the time being, we will simply concentrate on the w+ and expressions. The Python function re.findall() will be covered later on in this course.

For instance, if we put the code “w+ and ” into execution, we will get the result “guru99,” which corresponds to our string “guru99, education is fun.”

Example of \s expression in re.split function

import re xx = “guru99,education is fun” This is an example from the Python Regex Tutorial.
r1 = re.findall(r”^\w+”,xx) print (r1)
Remember that the output will change if you remove the plus sign from the plus sign (w+), and it will only give the first character of the first letter, which is [g] in this case.
An example of using the notation “s” in the re.split function is as follows: In order to insert a blank space into the string, this expression must first be used.
To begin our exploration of the inner workings of this RegEx in Python, we will first examine a straightforward example of a split function using a RegEx in Python. In the demonstration, we have used the “re.split” function to separate each word in the string, and we have also utilised the expression notation, which enables us to parse each word in the string independently.

Using regular expression methods

A Guide to Using Regex with Python
When you run this piece of code, you will see the result [‘we’, ‘are’,’splitting’, ‘the’, and ‘words’].

Now, let’s find out what happens when we take the “” away from s. This is because we have deleted the ” character from the string, which causes it to evaluate “s” as a regular character. As a result, it splits the words wherever it sees “s” in the string, which is why the output does not contain the alphabet’s’.

A Guide to Using Regex with Python
In a similar fashion, there is a number of other Python regular expressions that you may use in various ways in Python. Some examples of these expressions include d, D, $,., and b.


This is the final version of the code.

re xx should be interpreted as “guru99, education is enjoyable.”
r1 = re.findall(r”^\w+”, xx)
print(“re.split(r’s’,’we are separating the words’), “we are splitting the words”)
print((re.split(r’s’,’split the words’))
Following that, we will investigate the many Python methods that can be utilised while working with regular expressions.

Utilizing the techniques of regular expressions
The “re” package has a number of different methods that can be used to actually run queries on an input string. The following re methods in Python will be covered: Finding Pattern in Text

re.match() \ \sre.findall()
Note: Python provides two distinct kinds of primitive operations, both of which are based on regular expressions. The search method looks for a match anywhere in the string, whereas the match method only looks for a match at the beginning of the string.


Python’s re module has a function called re.match() that will look for a regular expression pattern and return the first instance it finds. Only the first portion of the string is analysed by the Python RegEx Match function to determine whether or not a match exists. Therefore, in the event that a match is discovered in the first line, it returns the object that corresponds to the match. The Python RegEx Match method, on the other hand, will return null if a match is discovered in any other line.

As an illustration, have a look at the code below, which is the Python re.match() function. The expressions “w+” and “W” will only match the words that begin with the letter ‘g,’ and after that, they will not identify anything that does not begin with the letter ‘g.’ In this example of Python’s re.match() function, the forloop is executed so that a match check can be performed on each item in the list or string.

Finding Patterns with the Function in Python’s Regular Expressions The function text will search the regular expression pattern and return the first instance it finds. It will verify every line of the supplied string, in contrast to the Python re.match() function. If the pattern is located, the function in Python will return a match object; if the pattern is not located, the function will return “null.”

How do I use the search() function?
Importing the Python re module is the first step that must be taken before running the code in order to use the search() function. The “pattern” and “text” that we want scanned from our main string are both inputs that the Python function requires.

A Guide to Using Regex with Python
For illustration’s sake, in this case, we are searching for the literal strings “Software testing” and “guru99” within the text phrase “Software Testing is fun.” We discovered the match for “software testing,” and as a result, it returns the results of the Python () Example as “discovered a match,” but for the word “guru99,” we were unable to locate it in the string; as a result, it delivers the report as “No match.”

Python Flags

The findall() module is what’s called for when you want to look for “all” instances that meet a certain pattern. The search() module, on the other hand, will only return the first occurrence that matches the given pattern. findall() will carry out an iteration over each line of the file and will, in a single step, return all of the non-overlapping matches of the pattern that were found.

How to Make Use of Python’s re.findall() Function?
In this situation, we have a list of email addresses, and since we want to retrieve each and every one of those addresses from the list, we will use the Python method re.findall(). It will search the list and discover all of the e-mail addresses on it.

Various flags used in Python includes

Syntax for Regex Flags What does this flag do
[re.M] Make begin/end consider each line
[re.I] It ignores case
[re.S] Make [ . ]
[re.U] Make { \w,\W,\b,\B} follows Unicode rules
[re.L] Make {\w,\W,\b,\B} follow locale
[re.X] Allow comment in Regex

A Guide to Using Regex with Python
This is the full code for the example of the re.findall function ()

import re

list = [“guru99 get”, “guru99 give”, “guru Selenium”]
for element in list:
z = re.match(“(g\w+)\W(g\w+)”, element) if z: print((z.groups()))

Example of re.M or Multiline Flags

software testing and guru99 are examples of patterns.
text = “Is having fun when testing software important?”
when looking for a pattern within patterns:
print(‘Looking for ‘% s’ in ‘% s’ ->’ percent (pattern, text), end=’ ‘)
if the expression, text) is true, then display the message “found a match!”
if not, then print the phrase “no match.”
abc = ‘,,’
email addresses = re.findall(r'[w.-]+@[w.-]+’, abc)
print out messages intended for use in emails (email)
Python Flags
A significant number of Python’s built-in Regex Methods and Regex functions accept an optional input that is referred to as Flags. These flags have the ability to change the meaning of the Python Regex pattern that was provided. To understand these we shall see one or two example of these Flags.

Various flags used in Python includes

An Illustration of re.M Flags, also known as Multiline Flags
The pattern character [] is used in multiline and it matches the first character of the string as well as the beginning of each line (following immediately after the each newline). The character “w” with a small “w” expression is used to mark the space between characters. If you run the code, the first variable, “k1,” will only print out the character “g” for the word “guru99.” On the other hand, if you add the multiline flag, it will retrieve the first characters of all of the elements in the string.

A Guide to Using Regex with Python

The code is as follows:

import re

xx = “””guru99



k1 is calculated by typing re.findall(r”w”, xx).

k2 is calculated by typing in re.findall(r”w”, xx, re.MULTILINE).



We declared the variable xx for string ” guru99…. careerguru99….selenium”

If you run the code without using the flags for multiline output, you will only get the letter g from the lines.

When the code is executed with the “multiline” flag, the characters ‘g’, ‘c’, and’s’ are printed in response to the command “k2.”

The difference that can be seen between the two versions of the above example is the addition of multiple lines.

In a similar fashion, you are able to make use of other Python flags such as re.U (Unicode), re.L (Follow locale), re.X (Allow Comment), and so on.

Example in Python Version 2

The codes that were just shown are examples of Python 3, but if you want to run them in Python 2, please consider the code below.

# An Example of an Expression Using w+ and

import re

xx = “guru99,education is fun”

r1 is the result of re.findall(r”w+”,xx).

print r1

# A sample expression using the s operator within the re.split function

import re

xx equals “guru99, education is entertaining.”

r1 = re.findall(r”^\w+”, xx)

print (‘we are splitting the words,’ re.split(‘r’s’))


# Text searching done with re.findall

import re

list = [“guru99 get”, “guru99 give”, “guru Selenium”]

for element in list:

z = re.match(“(g\w+)\W(g\w+)”, element)

if z:


software testing and guru99 are examples of patterns.

text = “Is having fun while testing software important?”

when looking for a pattern within patterns:

print the message “Looking for’percent s’ in’percent s’ ->’ percent (pattern, text),

if the condition, text) is true:

print the message “found a match!”


print the phrase “no match”

abc = ‘,,’

email addresses = re.findall(r'[w.-]+@[w.-]+’, abc)

in emails, for the email in emails:

print email

# An illustration of re.M flags, also known as multiline flags

import re

xx = “””guru99



k1 is calculated by typing re.findall(r”w”, xx).

k2 is calculated by typing in re.findall(r”w”, xx, re.MULTILINE).

print k1

print k2


Within the context of a programming language, a regular expression is a unique string of text that is employed for describing a search pattern. It includes not only the digits and punctuation, but also any and all special characters, such as $#@! percent, and so on. Literal meaning is one form of expression.

Textual comparisons



Pattern-composition etc.

In Python, a regular expression is abbreviated as RE. The re module is responsible for embedding regular expressions (also known as regexes or regex patterns).

The “re” module is primarily utilised for string searching and manipulation, and it is included with Python.

Additionally employed frequently in the “scraping” of websites (extract large amount of data from websites)

Methods associated with regular expressions include re.match(),, and re.findall ()

The sub() and subn() methods are two additional Python RegEx replace methods. These methods are used to replace matching strings in re.

Python Boundaries A great number of the Regex Methods and Regex functions available in Python accept an optional argument known as Flags.

These flags have the ability to change the meaning of the regex pattern that was given.

Many different Python flags, such as re.M, re.I, and re.S, are utilised in Regex Methods.