Installation Instructions for Renewing the Microsoft IIS 8 and 8.5 SSL Certificate

SSL Renewals provides you with a step-by-step manual on how to update SSL to IIS 8 and 8.5

Recently we got a lot of questions on the latest versions of IIS about SSL renewal. We’ve therefore come up with this blog to guide you every step of the way.

Internet Information Services (IIS) provided by Microsoft is one of the world’s most popular web servers. W3tech ‘s latest survey shows IIS to be the world’s third-most frequent web server. IIS is widely used on Windows NT family operating systems. IIS supports communication protocols like HTTP , HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP, NNTP and others.

The method of renewing SSL certificates on the latest versions of IIS is in all respects identical. These new models come with IIS 8 and 8.5. We tried to explain this process as simply as we could, for your convenience.

Come on!!!

Generating certificate signing request (CSR)

  • Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Startup Manager
  • In the left panel select the hostname of your server in the Connections
  • Double-clicking on Server Certificates in the central panel.
  • csr-renewal-req-msiis8-1-768x529Select Create Certificate Request from right-hand side of the Actions menu.

csr-renewal-req-msiis8-2-768x529Now, a window with Distinguished Name Properties appears. Enter details below:

  • Common Name: The common name should include a fully qualified domain name for you.
  • Organization: Write the legally authorized name of your organization.
  • Organizational Unit: Writing this isn’t mandatory. But if you want to, write the organisation’s department.
  • City/Locality: Write the name of the city/town your organization is located in.
  • State/Province: Write the name of the state/province you are located in.
  • Country / Region: Select your country’s two-digit code from the drop-down menu.


  • Verify the information before clicking the Next
  • The box that asks for Properties of Cryptographic Service Providers will appear.
  • Select Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider as the Cryptographic Service Provider.
  • Choose 2048 in drop-down bit length.
  • csr-renewal-req-msiis8-4Click Next
  • In the File Name window, enter / browse the location where you want to save the CSR file.
  • csr-renewal-req-msiis8-5Click on the Finish
  • Now, log in with your credentials on the website from which you had purchased the certificate.
  • Go to the order which you want to renew. Click on the renew option.

renew-ssl-certificateNow that your SSL renewal process is over, the renewed SSL certificate has to be installed on your server. To install your renewed SSL certificate follow the instructions given.

Installation of SSL Certificate Renewal at IIS 8 & 8.5

  • First, save to the IIS server the certificate file called ‘your domain name.cer’
  • From the start screen open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  • In the left panel select the hostname of your server in the Connections
  • Double-clicking on Server Certificates in the central panel.
  • installation-msiis8-1-768x529Select Complete Certificate Request from the right-hand menu under Action.
  • installation-msiis8-2-768x529On your computer you will see Defining the Certificate Authority Answer tab. Under
  • Enter/Browse the location where the .cer file sent by the certificate authority (CA) was stored.
  • Now type in the certificate’s Nice Name. This name should be kept in such a way as to be easily identifiable and distinguishable in future.
  • Select Personal in Dropdown pick a store certificate and Press OK.
  • installation-msiis8-3Go to the Manager of Internet Information Services (IIS), again. Expand your web server in the Connections panel, and then expand Sites.
  • Choose the site you ‘d like to have SSL certificate on.
  • installation-msiis8-4-768x529Under Behavior, click Links.
  • A window called Site Binding should show up on your screen now. Click the Attach button.
  • installation-msiis8-5Select HTTPS from the Form Enter the website’s IP address in the IP address tab, or choose All Unassigned. Fill the Port Box 443. Specify the certificate installed in step 7, in the SSL Certificate section.
  • Check all the details in the previous step, and click OK.

installation-msiis8-6Your website is now SSL Certificate protected. You can use our SSL checker tool to validate that your website has configured the SSL correctly.