How To Install A SSL Certificate In Cpanel?

How To Install A SSL Certificate In Cpanel? – Before We Get Into The Topic, let’s Learn Some Basic Of This Topic

How to install an SSL Certificate in cPanel?

Even if you don’t have any special technical expertise, installing SSL with cPanel is a rather simple process.

You must first generate a CSR code before proceeding. The steps are outlined in this article.

Use the SSL Certificate files you received from a Certificate Authority; the fulfillment email comprises a ZIP package containing certificate (‘example. cart) and CA Bundle (‘example. ca-bundle) files, as well as a file with the extension ‘example.p7by.

1.Please note that the ‘example.p7by file contains both the certificate and the CA Bundle and is only transmitted to Windows servers.

2.The SSL files can be downloaded at any time from your account.

You’re now ready to begin the installation process:

3.Log into your cPanel account and Go to the Security section >> SSL/TLS Manager menu.

4.Select Manage SSL sites from the Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS) menu.

Note that if this option isn’t available, you may lack the essential admin access to install SSL. For help, contact your site hosting company.

5.To get the corresponding Private Key, select Autofill by Certificate. This should be saved on the same server that generated the CSR code. You can export the Private Key from the server it was created on if the CSR code and Private Key were not generated on the same server you’re using for SSL Certificate installation. Manually paste it into the Private Key: (KEY) field during SSL Certificate installation.

Now it’s time to install the CA-Bundle file that was sent along with the end-entity SSL Certificate issued for your domain name by the Certificate Authority. The root and intermediate Certificates required to complete the end-entity Certificate chain are contained in the CA-Bundle file. Even though it’s optional, we strongly advise installing it alongside the Certificate on the server. On mobile devices and in some older browsers, the absence of the CA-Bundle may result in security alerts. The CA-Bundle for your Certificate can be found here. Even if the CA-Bundle comprises multiple Certificates (root and intermediates), all of them must be placed into the Certificate Authority Bundle: (BUNDLE) box during the SSL Certificate installation process in cPanel.

6.Install the certificate by pressing the Install Certificate button.

It’s finished! The security of your website and the domain name has now been established.