Excel Macros

How to Write Macros in Excel: Macro Tutorial – What is & Use

What is an Excel macro and how does it work?
It is a record and playback tool that simply records your Excel steps and then plays them back as many times as you desire. Because they automate repetitive tasks, VBA macros help you save time. In the Excel environment, it is a piece of programming code that runs, but you do not have to be a programmer in order to create macros.. However, basic knowledge of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is required in order to make advanced modifications to the macro.

In this Excel Macros for Beginners tutorial, you will learn how to use Excel macros.

Why are Excel Macros Used in Excel?

Humans are creatures of habit, and this is especially true for children. In our daily work lives, there are certain things that we do on a daily basis, every day of the week. If there was a magic button that we could press and all our routine tasks would be completed, wouldn’t that be preferable. I can hear you say yes in the background. This is made possible through the use of a macro in Excel. For the uninitiated, a macro is defined as a video recording of your routine steps in Excel that you can play back with the click of a single button.

Consider the following scenario: you are employed as a cashier for a water utility company. Some of your customers make payments through the bank, and at the end of the day, you must download the data from the bank and format it in a way that is appropriate for your company’s needs.

You can format the data after it has been imported into Excel. Following that, you will be required to repeat the same rites and ceremonies. It will quickly become monotonous and tedious. Macros are useful for dealing with such issues because they automate routine tasks. You can create a macro to record the steps of the process.

What is VBA in a Layman’s Language?

Formatting it in accordance with your company’s reporting requirements.
What is Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in layman’s terms?
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is an abbreviation for Visual Basic for Applications. It is a programming language that Excel uses to keep track of your actions as you go about your daily business. You do not have to be a programmer or a highly technical individual to take advantage of the features of macros in Excel. Excel has features that allow you to generate source code without having to do any work. For more information on VBA, see the article on the subject.

Excel Macro Basics

Excel Macro Fundamentals
Macros are one of the features available to developers. Excel does not display the Developers tab by default, and this is a problem. It will need to be displayed through the customise report feature.

Excel Attackers can use macros to gain access to your system and compromise it. By default, they are turned off in Microsoft Excel. Using macros requires that you enable running macros and that you only run macros that you are confident are coming from a trusted source, which is not always the case.

If you want to save Excel macros, you must save your workbook in the *.xlsm format, which is only available for macro-enabled workbooks.

There should be no spaces in the name of the macro you’re creating.

When creating a macro, make sure to include a description of what it does. This will assist you in understanding what the macro is doing, as well as others.
Example of Recording Macros in Excel with Step-by-Step Instructions
This tutorial on Excel macros will teach you how to create a macro in Excel by following the steps below:

Step by Step Example of Recording Macros in Excel

We will use the scenario described in the importance of macros in Excel section to guide our work. In this Excel macro tutorial, we will use the CSV file provided below to demonstrate how to write macros in Excel.

Introduction to Excel’s Macros and Functions
You can get the file mentioned above by clicking here.

Download the CSV File and Macros from the link above.

This data will be imported into a macro-enabled template that will be formatted to meet our business reporting requirements after it has been formatted.

Enable Developer Option

If you want to run a VBA programme in Excel, you must first have access to the developer option. Enable the developer option in Excel, as shown in the following Excel macro example, and pin it to the main ribbon of the spreadsheet programme.

Step 1) Select “FILE” from the main menu.
Select the “Options” menu option.

How to Create Macros in Microsoft Excel
What exactly is Visual Basic for Applications?
Step 2) A new window will open, in which you should perform the actions listed below.

Customize the ribbon by selecting it from the drop-down menu.
Select the Developer checkbox from the drop-down menu.
To proceed, click on the OK button.
Learn how to write macros in Excel by following these steps: Step 3) Developer Tab

You will now be able to see the DEVELOPER tab in the ribbon menu of your application.

How to Create Macros in Excel Step 4) Download the CSV document

First, we’ll look at how to create a command button on the spreadsheet and then run the programme from that button.

Create a folder named Bank Receipts on your hard drive C.
Paste the receipts.csv file that you downloaded into the spreadsheet.
The Steps to Writing Macros in Excel (Part 5): Record the Macro

Select the DEVELOPER tab from the drop-down menu.
As shown in the image below, select Record Macro from the drop-down menu.
How to Create Macros in Microsoft Excel
You will be presented with the following dialogue box.

Introduction to Excel’s Macros and Functions
ImportBankReceipts should be the name of the macro.
Step two will be included as a default.
Fill in the blanks with the description shown in the diagram above.
To proceed, select the “OK” tab.
Step 6) Carry out the macro operations or steps that you wish to record.

Insert the cursor in cell A1 to begin.
Select the DATA tab from the drop-down menu.
On the Get External data ribbon bar, select the From Text button from the drop-down menu.
You will be presented with the following dialogue box.

How to Create Macros in Microsoft Excel
Navigate to the location on your computer where you saved the CSV file.
Choose the CSV file from your computer.
Select the Import option from the drop-down menu.
You will be presented with the following wizard.

Introduction to Excel’s Macros and Functions
After you have completed the preceding steps, click on the Next button.

Introduction to Excel’s Macros and Functions
Follow the steps outlined above and then click on the next button.

Introduction to Excel’s Macros and Functions
To complete the process, click on the Finish button.
Your workbook should now look something like this:
Step 7) Format the Data (Introduction to Macros in Excel)

Make the columns bold, add the grand total, and then use the SUM function to get the total amount of the columns combined.

The Eighth Step in Creating Excel Macros is to Stop Recording the Macro

Now that we have completed our routine tasks, we can click on the stop recording macro button, which is depicted in the illustration below.

The Procedure for Writing Macros in Excel Step 9) Replay the Macros

To save our workbook, we must first delete the data that was imported into the document. We will do this in order to create a template that we will use every time we receive new receipts and want to run the ImportBankReceipts macro. We will copy this template to the clipboard.

All of the data that has been imported will be highlighted.
Right-click on the data that has been highlighted.
Click on the Delete button and then on the Save As button.
Save the workbook in a format that allows for macros, as shown below.
How to Create Macros in Microsoft Excel
Make a duplicate of the template that was just saved.
It should be opened.
Select the DEVELOPER tab from the drop-down menu.
Select the Macros option from the drop-down menu.
You will be presented with the following dialogue box.

Macros in Excel: A Quick Overview Select ImportBankReceipts to bring the description of your macro to the forefront.
To begin, press the Run button.
You will be provided with the following information.

Introduction to Excel’s Macros and Functions
Congratulations, you have just completed the creation of your first Excel macro.

Macros make our work lives easier by automating the majority of the routine tasks that we perform. Visual Basic for Applications is used to power the macros in Excel.