Certificate Name Mismatch Error

The ‘certificate name mismatch’ error happens when the domain specified on the server’s SSL certificate doesn’t fit the domain to which the database is linked. The domain on the certificate must fit the domain in the browser address bar exactly for an HTTPS session to begin.

Mismatch Error

A) You use the IP address to attempt to reach the Page. But use the FQDN.

B) You have several websites running on a Webserver, but erroneously they all connect to the same Path. Therefore attempt to enter the page and place the unique port number where the certificate has been binding.

C) You have several sites that use One IP Address. So please check whether you can use a specific IP address for each website or if the server supports and allows SNI.

D) Domain.com was provided with the licence, but www.domain.com was typed in. Browser Browser

Technically, you will get a SAN certificate or a Wild Card certificate that will protect multi-domains and multi-sub-domains respectively to take care of the error above.